In a surprise announcement at the Tokyo Game Show, Sega revealed two new characters who will be joining the list of characters of the upcoming Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax. The characters in question are Selvaria and Alicia from Sega’s Valkyria Chronicles.
It’s the second team comprised of characters from a Sega franchise, after Akira and Pai from Virtua Fighter had already been confirmed to be featured in the game. While Selvaria is a playable character, Alicia will only be a support character (like Pai). The game is currently scheduled for a release on November 13th in Japan on the PS3 and PS Vita.
Hit the break to check out a video of the Valkyria Chronicles team in action! For those unfamiliar with the first Valkyria Chronicles game, be warned that there is a story spoiler for those who view this video.