The Gigantes, the biomechanical titans of Phantasy Star Nova, are freaky in their designs, if a bit over the top and wacky. The PSUBlog wrote about two of the Gigantes a while ago; here’s a spotlight on these menacing creatures. It should be noted that while a special attack during a state of rage is only currently noted for these two Gigantes, it could very well be the case that all Gigantes have such an attack available to them. And do keep in mind that these two aren’t featured in the upcoming Battle Demo.
To start! Pictured above is Alkyone. Alkyone is modeled after a jellyfish, and sports flamethrowers at the end of its tendrils. It can either spray multiple fire waves from each flamethrower or shoot one massive fireball at its enemies. Apparently Alkyone can also deploy ink that will darken the players screen, even though jellyfish can’t ink! For a look at the second Gigantes, hit the break.
Credit to the PSUBlog for the pictures and translations.