New Shining Resonance Antagonists Detailed, Website Updated, TGS 2014 and NicoNico Presence

Recently Sega has been updating the websites for some of their upcoming games. Shining Resonance is one of them, and the game is generally receiving quite the promotional boost as of late. The Shining Resonance website has received a major overhaul, with the main page featuring a compact display of viewable character bios, while teasing two yet-to-be-revealed characters. To sample the new information that came out, check out the break!

ShiningResonanceHomePageThe retooled website boasts eight sub-menus, including “Special” on the far right (featuring Twitter icons), “Character” which is fourth from the left (featuring character allegiances and the character bios for those already featured on the main page), and a “System” page which is fourth from the right containing some rough outlines of the battle system that the page had previously featured. The sub-menus also contain sub-articles though they aren’t as obviously navigated if one isn’t already familiar with Japanese or figuring out which links in the sub-menus are navigable. Unfortunately I myself am only barely familiar with the language so I cannot offer much assistance here.

This BeastNote entry mentions a previously uncovered Armonix mechanic for the game. It is a system that allows players to raise attributes for elements such as attack damage or MP limits beyond base attributes for a particular weapon. Players will also be able to “Skill Tune” their weapons, which allows them to equip a set amount of skills to their weapons that can do such things as boost the character’s stats. These options become available to you as you “Tune” or rank up weapons by using them in battle.

I would like to draw attention to the leftmost tab, however. It suggests that Shining Resonance will appear at Tokyo Game Show, as our previous article speculating on Sega’s presence was unsure of what would be brought over. But, this Gematsu article also confirms that Shining Resonance will appear at Tokyo Game Show albeit in a non-playable form, and that on the 21st at 3pm JST, Sega will broadcast gameplay of Shining Resonance through NicoNico! This is our first look at the game in action, so this will definitely be something to look out for!

We have also learned more information on some of the Beowulf members seen in the Opening Movie. Siliconera and BeastNote have information to share on new characters Zest and Beatrice.

ShiningResonanceZestThis is Zest, a magic gunner. Zest lives purely for the thrill of battle and loves to fight strong opponents. Siliconera notes that he is supposed to be the strongest of the Beowulf squad, while BeastNote mentions that one of his voice clips says he will give up on a fight if he thinks his opponent is too weak for him.

ShiningResonanceBeatriceThis is Beatrice. She is a Dark Elf who represents the ninja class. As a Dark Elf she has suffered much persecution in the past, but when working for Beowulf her primary job is intelligence gathering and assassinations, according to Siliconera. BeastNote also mentions that Beatrice is a childhood friend of Kirika and Rinna, and both are Dragoners. It sounds like the setup for a dramatic encounter.

Credit for image of the Shining Resonance Website, and for images of Beatrice and Zest go to BeastNote.

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