Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy - Epilogue

Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy: Epilogue Video

We’ve been uploading videos for the Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy event since the event ended, and today we reach the end of that video archive with the story’s epilogue. Those who viewed the previous episodes will know that, after the initial prologue, the main cast found themselves in the world of Granblue Fantasy. The epilogue sees Sakura, Ogami, Gemini, Shinjiro and Erica reunited in a decisive battle against the series’ recurring villain, Aoi Satan. Take a look below for the epilogue and an overview of all the other videos we posted so far! And if you watched the videos, feel free to let us know in what you think about this crossover in the comments. And for those who play Granblue Fantasy and unlocked the characters, we’re looking for help to record their Fate Episodes.

While the crossover proved to be a nice occasion to see these five character reunited again, hopefully we’ll get to see a true Sakura Wars game in the future!


Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy: Epilogue

Previous Videos


Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy: Prologue

Sakura’s Story

Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy: Sakura's Event Story

Gemini’s Story

Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy: Gemini's Event Story

Erica’s Story

Sakura Wars X Granblue Fantasy Crossover: Erica's Event Story


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