Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax, a fighting game featuring various characters from the Dengeki Bunko publishing label, has just released on Japanese arcades (March 18th, Japan time.) Sega developed this game themselves, and interestingly the title was developed by employees who worked on the Valkyria Chronicles series. Like Arc System Works’ Guilty Gear Xrd, it was developed on the Sega RingEdge 2 arcade board.
Seeing as the game’s concept revolves around pitting prominent Light Novel characters associated with Dengeki Bunko against each other, I think there is a surprising amount of Sega fanservice in the game and wanted to offer an opportunity to take a look at the Sega shoutouts present. A Valkyria Chronicles stage (likely Ghirlandaio) was featured amongst the first promotional screenshots for this game, and the above screenshot is clearly referencing Phantasy Star Online 2.*
There are also stages for other franchises, like the Golden Palace from Shinobi PS2, Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog, and a NiGHTS into Dreams stage. Akira Yuki, with Pai Chan as support (almost reminds me of Project X Zone!), is a boss character and there is a temple stage from Virtua Fighter 5. Perhaps even more surprising is the appearance of Dreamcast-tan (a personified Dreamcast,) this particular design being the same one used in Samurai and Dragons. Her role here is currently unknown.
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