Author Archives: Draikin

Website Reveal

This is the first news post of hopefully many more to come. We currently have what is more or less the framework for the website. As you can read in the About page, this website aims to serve as a hub for the many fan campaigns out there that all share a similar goal: getting Sega to localize their games. With work to be done on the articles and a petition still to be added, we’re not quite there yet to really get Segalizaton on the rails. That said, we still feel there’s value in opening the website to the public in this early phase, since we need your feedback to help us decide where to focus our efforts. So feel free to browse around and post your comments. And if you find anything that doesn’t work, let us know! Similarly, if anyone feels like they can contribute to the cause in some shape or form, do contact us.

As for now, expect more things to come as we continue to update the website, so do follow us us by subscribing to the blog, Twitter or Facebook!